

Ø      The Supreme Board shall be the highest managing body

Ø      The Supreme Board shall comprise of four persons, and one of them shall serve as Chairperson of the Board.

Ø      The Chairperson shall decide either solely or jointly with the other Board members about the strategic interests of the organization.

Ø      Every Board member, in compliance with the goals and particular objectives of the MORGAN Foundation and with a view to the respective circumstances, will have the right to step into the responsibilities/functions of the Chairperson.

Ø      The Board shall have only one Chairperson.

Ø      The decision making process shall be conducted either solely or jointly.

Ø      The responsibility for taking a decision shall lie solely with the respective decision-maker.

Ø      Wrong decisions as well as decisions that imply pursuit of personal benefits over the name of the Foundation shall not be supported by, neither shall be officially adopted by the foundation.

Ø      Decisions, which in one way or another encourage mis-interpretation of the Foundation mission towards establishing managing structures that run against the officially established as such, shall be considered wrong.

Ø      Each particular action or guideline shall be discussed by the Board members: each Board member shall thus contribute with regard to their capacity, schedule and commitment.

Ø      The Board members shall not be subject to election.

Ø      A change in the Board membership shall be introduced solely in cases of voluntary leave, illness or death of the functioning Board members.

Ø      A Board member who has claimed their wish for a voluntary leave shall be set free of all his moral commitment to the Foundation with the exception of the commitment to its name.

Ø      Should any of the circumstances, described above, occur, the selection of a new Board member shall be made by the rest of the Board members with a view to the particular circumstances.

Ø      The membership of the Board shall be known by the members of the Board only.

Ø      Every Board member shall solely decide about the particular activities, actions and persons with whom they shall respectively work. Every Board member shall have the right to judge about the extent to which they shall inform the persons they work with on the goals and objectives related to the fulfillment of the tasks that they perform.

Ø      Every Board member shall have the right to establish task related hierarchical structures with regard to their particular activities and objectives. The mission of the foundation and the basic principles of joint action shall be strictly abided in this process. Every Board member shall have the right to judge about the extent to which they shall inform the persons they work with on the goals and objectives related to the fulfillment of the tasks that they perform

Ø      Extensive explanations on the mission and the goals of the MORGAN Foundation shall not be recommended under any circumstances.

Ø      Every Board member shall have the responsibility of developing alternative sources and plans for action.


[for another world]

managing bogies  


